a lil about me

“Hiiii! I’m so
glad you’re here!

I have always looooved writing; it has been an outlet that I frequently turn to as I process, learn, and reflect on life. Growing up, I always thought it would be so cool to have a place where I could share 2 of my favorite things: Jesus & writing. So in September of 2017 “the lovely unexpected” came to be!  my prayer is that you find comfort and hope here as I share what Jesus has been teaching me.

I pray that you are reminded, or learn for the first time, that you are not alone when things happen that you never expected. Honestly, I am not a fan of change and tend to resist it — because it is typically hard and messy. But I believe that there is great purpose in change because God is in control & He is sovereign.

Psalm 46:10 says: “Be still and know that I am God.
and Daniel 2:21 says: “it is He who changes times & seasons.” 

Whatever unexpected change you’re facing in life, I pray that you’re comforted because Jesus is the same yesterday, today & forever.

He is constant & never-failing.
He remains immovable while everything else is shaking.
He is lovely, even when life isn’t.

He makes life lovely again, simply because He is here.

To read more about the story behind “the lovely unexpected” click here!

Some other things about me: I’m a kid at heart and love the little things in life. I love spring, summer, long hikes, being in the sun and watching the sunset. I love traveling! Most days you can find me driving around – windows down & music loud *probably heading to a coffee shop.*  I love drinking tea and “collect” mugs (that’s code for I just can’t resist buying them). I have a passion for healthy eating and am always experimenting in the kitchen. Nothing’s better than spending time with those I love. I strive to see the beauty in simple, every day things. I cherish my family and not a day goes by that I’m not filled with gratitude because God has given them to me.  My sister has taught me to always pause and look at the sky, soak in the view, and laugh no matter what.  My brother has taught me to be kind (he’s the kindest person I know). And my parents, by their example, have taught me to be other-centered and love Jesus with all my heart, in all that I do.

“From the rising of the sun to its setting,
the name of the Lord is to be praised!”
Psalm 113:3 (ESV)