“…as those who have no hope.”

“But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope.” 1 These 4:13

On earth, grief, sorrow, & tribulation are guaranteed and certain.  Sometimes the grief can be overwhelming and suffocating.  It can feel hopeless and endless.  In light of that, these words have been echoing in my heart…

our hope is not anchored in the absence of pain but rather
in the promise of His presence amidst the pain. 

The sorrow I have experienced is only a drop in the ocean of the suffering that is all around, but I know God is growing me for what He has prepared for my future.  This season is necessary & nothing is wasted or without purpose.  Not a single thing you or I walk through is insignificant & not a single tear is useless.

Much of the teaching we hear is rooted in the hope of our own desire being accomplished.  We hope in ourselves or in a better outcome because God is powerful enough to change our circumstance. But is that His will? Our personal success? Recognition? Deliverance? Comfort? I don’t believe so.  The end Jesus seeks is that we enter into a deeper knowledge, intimacy, and love for Him. When deliverance doesn’t come how you expected you will learn to seek Him. When I’ve been left disappointed in the past, the root cause is because my hope was in something not made to hold the weight of my expectation, something temporary, that was bound to fail, & my eyes were not on Jesus. Jesus: who doesn’t change; yesterday, today, forever.  He is the same.  Only He Himself can fulfill every hope and expectation that He made my heart for.

Do not let anyone tell you that the absence or presence of grief dictates God’s goodness. When we equate God’s goodness to receiving a desired outcome we begin to believe His goodness has stopped until we get what we expected.  No matter what is causing your heart to grieve, do not be mistaken that He is far, unattached or negligent of your suffering.  It is ok to grieve, it does not need to all make sense, your life doesn’t have to be picture perfect, and it’s ok to admit that it is HARD.  But don’t let your heart forget: we do not grieve as those who have no hope ♥️  He grieves with you and His heart breaks with yours.  He is oh so near & that is Christmas: God with us, the long expected One, Hope fulfilled, Jesus near, Him humbling Himself to step into our sorrow. He is here.

No matter what I walk through, He is my deliverance and all He does is rooted in His goodness, even if it’s not what I expect.

Oh taste and see that the Lord is good!” -Psalm 34:8

“I want to be brave enough to hold out the hope of the gospel to a world that is hurting, alone and afraid. Not a hope rooted in the absence of pain, heartache or suffering. Not optimism that looks for the best-case scenario or happy ending. A true hope that rises from the full assurance that our Savior is here.” -Katie Davis

2 thoughts on ““…as those who have no hope.””

  1. Thank you so much for this encouragement! I recently lost my 26yo brother, which has been the hardest thing I’ve experienced in my whole life. Many of the thoughts and questions you mentioned are ones that have gone through my head. Thank you for reminding me of God’s goodness. Your post was so impactful it felt as though it had been written to me. God bless you!

    1. Victoria, thank you so much for sharing. I am praying for Jesus’ comfort and peace to overwhelm your heart and mind. I’m so grateful God used this to encourage you. ♥️

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