Draw Near

What are you facing in life that you never would’ve expected?  In those times of shock, heartbreak, and confusion this verse comforts me:

“Do do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”
  -Isaiah 40:10

In that verse, notice God doesn’t say He’ll take away what is making you afraid and dismayed; instead He reminds you that He is with you – so you don’t need to be fearful.  He is your God. He will strengthen and uphold you. Even if the struggle you’re in doesn’t improve and the circumstance is still hard.

When people and situations leave you disappointed, you can trust that He will accomplish His purpose. When you’re thirsty, hopeless, and hungry He says “I am your Living Water, I am your Hope, I am your Bread of Life.” HE is everything you need. And maybe you didn’t realize that before.

One day you’ll look at your scars and see the purpose: how He redeemed and restored you.  Then, when the unexpected hits you again, you’ll look back and remember how He worked it out and made your faith grow stronger in the process. He made it lovely then and He promises to do it again. His purpose is for you to draw near so He can show you that He is all you need and all you’ve needed all along.

If you’re telling yourself “I never expected to be here” Jesus is with you there. Wherever you are, “draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” James 4:8

What has proven to be unexpected for you was foreseen and designed by Him.

Do you trust Him?


“I will, trust, here in the mystery, I will trust in You completely…
You taught my feet to dance upon disappointment
And I, I will worship”

Heroes by Amanda Cook