He is able

when fear or worry tempt me to doubt the faithfulness of my God I want these simple words to be the anthem of my heart:

“Jesus; You are able.”

I want those four words to be the song of my soul,
the steady echo of praise resounding in my mind,
whatever the future may, or may not, bring —

I want to be found:
trusting Him
& resting in Him
because He indeed is able.
If He does not,
it is not because He is unable,
but it is simply because
He is working something
far greater than I can imagine.
His thoughts are not mine,
neither are His ways.

Too often, when I am faced with a situation that is scary or unknown, I don’t immediately recall the faithfulness and power of my Savior. I’m prone to look at the storm and take my eyes off of Jesus. I forget that HE IS ABLE. NOTHING is too hard for Him and there is no situation that He cannot redeem or restore. Hope is never lost and nothing is ever too far gone.

There’s a verse in a song called “Hymn of the Ages” by Maverick City that has been on repeat in my head lately:

"blessed assurance
oh, what a grace
I'm prone to wander
But You're prone to chase
This is my story
It's the song that I'll raise
I'll sing of Your goodness
All of my days"

I’m prone to wander, but You’re prone to chase…” Isn’t that so true?! Time and time again God has proven that He is my Provider, Protector, Comforter, and Helper; so why, when a trial comes, do I question what He is doing and doubt His sovereignty? I question if He is able or if He will…….. and I think that’s one of the hardest things to reconcile on this side of eternity — asking God: “I know You can, so why aren’t You?”

When we’re honest, I believe we’ve all asked a question like that. I want to trust Him, “Lord I believe, help my unbelief.” But I still ask that sometimes. It is hard to surrender your own will, desires, and expectations — especially when you’re asking for a good thing or for something that you know is aligned with God’s heart. And yet, when we follow Christ, we are called to trust His sovereignty: which looks like praying in faith and letting go of your expectations. We pray in faith: believing He can, but also surrendering our expectations if He doesn’t or if He works in a different way.

Last week, during Bible Study at my church, we were talking about expectations: how, when God doesn’t meet our expectations we should abandon our expectations, not God.

When you’re believing that a situation will turn out one way and it ends differently than you hoped or prayed; or when an answer isn’t coming after months or years and you pray God would move quicker…when you question if He’s even hearing you anymore. In those moments I’m quick to question God and feel overwhelmed, frustrated, and disillusioned. I’m quick to wander, grow impatient, and question His timing. But, looking back at times when I wish a circumstance would’ve ended differently, it has taught me to rely and depend fully on Jesus, not only on what He can do for me.

I’ve heard people making bargains with God, praying things like: “God, if You do ________ I’ll do ______.” Many times people go to God simply for what He can do.

Am I trusting Him for an OUTCOME or am I trusting HIM?

Trials and difficulties can be opportunities to trust God in a greater way. He is the God who fed the multitude — but ever wonder why Jesus didn’t feed hungry multitudes everyday? I think it’s because Jesus didn’t want people following Him for the temporary provision or satisfaction He could give; He wanted people to follow Him because He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Not for the temporary bread He could give, but because He is the Bread of Life. If God answered our every prayer the way we wanted Him to answer, the moment we didn’t get our way we would abandon Him; because we would be following Him selfishly. When Jesus called His disciples to follow Him, He called them not for what He could give them, but for who He is.

Sometimes I think He allows us to be disappointed so we’ll take our eyes off an outcome and fix our eyes on Him.

When He calls us to wait, it is not because He is incapable of working in that moment; it’s because He wants us to trust Him more and not rely on our own strength or power to change a situation.

He is able to change any situation – and if He hasn’t yet maybe it’s because what He’s working in the waiting is of more value and of greater (eternal!) importance. Do not get so focused on what He isn’t doing that you lose sight of what He IS doing today.

Don’t be discouraged when He asks you to wait or His answer isn’t what you expect worship Him because He is able. NOTHING is impossible for Him. Pray: believing and trusting Him. Surrender: knowing that He holds the outcome in His hands and will give you the strength and grace to receive His will, even when it’s not what you expected.

He is able to replace your fear with faith and your anxiety with peace. He is able to renew your mind and heal your heart.

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.”
– Isaiah 55:8-9