He’s Holding You

"I am always with You,

You hold me by my right hand,

You guide me with Your counsel" 

I read that verse in Psalm 73:23-24 and the imagery struck me.  Have you ever seen a dad holding the hand of his young daughter as they walk or cross the street?  Do you know that feeling of security and assurance?  Many times the child doesn’t have to worry about where they are going, they must only stay by their parent’s side and keep their hand in the strong, secure grip of their parent’s…

…and I thought of my heavenly Father and the abandoning sense of trust and confidence I can have; knowing that He is guiding and leading.

When I read this verse I felt God speak to my heart: “I’m holding you. Even when you’re unsure, I’m guiding you. Keep your hand in mine.”

How foolish of me to fear or worry when God Almighty: the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Maker of heaven and earth, and Savior of my soul is holding my hand.

All of a sudden whatever is causing anxiety disappears in light of the knowledge that He is holding me.

God desires to hold your hand and guide you. As a matter of fact, He promises to!  But we must let Him. We must keep our hand in His and walk by faith; even when we are unsure and cannot see the final destination.

How beautiful is that!!? Meditate on that & I pray it brings comfort and joy to your heart  ♥

2 thoughts on “He’s Holding You”

  1. We recently loss my mother in law and Aunt, this was such a wonderful reminder. I shared this on my Facebook page. Beautiful blessing!!!!! Thanks Bre.

    1. Mrs. Teresa; my heart breaks at hearing the loss you and your family are walking thru. I’m so grateful that He is the God of all comfort and to hear how He is encouraging you amidst the heartache. Love you dearly, thank you for reaching out. Psalm 147:3 <3

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