
“We love because He first loved us.”

– 1 John 4:19

There’s something captivating about watching a child react to and experience life.  The way they freely dance, sing, laugh, and cry without a worry of who is watching or what others are thinking.  There’s purity and innocence in the way they love and interact with others.  Do you remember feeling that way?  Do you remember when that changed?

I remember: suddenly worrying about what others were thinking, realizing what they were wearing, how they were acting, and the attention they were getting. I realized life isn’t as simple as I once imagined, not all people are kind and their words do not all come with good intentions.  I felt insecure for the first time; like I was not enough and had to change to be accepted and worth knowing.  Looking back I realize how vulnerable I was because I didn’t personally know the security of Jesus’ love.

I remember feeling lonely and left out, young and unsure of who I was; thinking: “If only I was smarter, prettier, funnier, cooler, more likable…” If you are thinking like that today God is pursuing you and wants you to know that you are precious in His eyes and He bottles every tear you cry (Psalm 56:8). He is not like those who have hurt you, abandoned you, or made you feel unaccepted and unloved.  This is not the superficial love we hear about in songs or see portrayed in movies.

You are valued and loved with an unchanging, faithful, grounding love; so powerful that His voice spoke the world into existence and with the same breath created you.

I wish you would walk so closely with this Love that it effects every word you say, the places you go, the way you treat others and view yourself.  You do not have to worry about being loved and accepted, because you already are.  Concern yourself and occupy your mind with the thoughts Jesus has towards you. Place your confidence in Him, not in others’ ever-changing opinions.  Don’t let others define who you’re supposed to be or how you’re supposed to look and act.

Today I pray that you settle in your soul to believe who God says you are; don’t change and try to fit in. The world says we need to love ourselves while our real need is to know that we are loved.  Like a child that so confidently trusts in their parents’ love; we can rest confident and secure in Jesus’ love for us.

“You are not an afterthought.
Love Himself dreamed you up.”
-“Diamonds” by Taylor Leonhardt