my greatest example…

Do you know that look of deep, soul satisfaction and enjoyment on someone’s face when they are around those they cherish & love?  That is the look my mom has when she is around her family.  And it astounds me: the way she loves us.  Everyday she chooses love: while there are hundreds of other things people would say are worthy of her devotion and commitment—she chooses her family. The love my mom has shown and continues to show me is one of the clearest representations of God’s Love for His children.  I truly will never fully comprehend the unwavering, uncompromising, unchanging, or unconditional love that my mom holds in her heart.  It’s a love I am underserving of & never could repay, but will always be in awe of. 

To watch the way my mom has always loved and supported my dad is incredible.  If you have a deadline or goal, my mom is the one person you want in your corner. She is the best encourager and helper.  My parents tell me stories from before they were parents…how, when they first got married my dad was completing his Bachelors degree and working full-time and my mom was right there with him; supporting him and never complaining. For being newlyweds, their life was not care-free in the slightest: they were living in a small New York apartment but they were together and worked through it as a team.  No matter what stress or outside demand was pressing in on their lives they didn’t let it pull them apart; rather, whenever my parents faced a trying time it always brought them closer together and strengthened their bond; and they still show me that example today.

When you see her today you would never guess all that she’s walked through and she never tires of recalling God’s grace in her life.  Her heart and life are a miracle.

My mom’s patience astounds me.  Growing-up, I think she demonstrated the most long-suffering towards us when it came to school and homework. She always had the most calm & kind demeanor while explaining math problems, history lessons, and spelling rules.  She always worked so hard to make sure that she was explaining these concepts in a way that we could understand and comprehend.  She could explain and demonstrate a single problem or idea numerous ways until she saw the light go off in our eyes and could be confident that we understood.  No matter how long it took; she persisted and never gave up on us. 

My mom’s dedication inspires me. She is always the first one to encourage when I want to give up and she leads by example.  When my mom commits to something she gives it her all.  There’s never ever half-stepping; especially when it comes to her family: from themed birthday parties & vacations; to sewing projects, dinners (which are hands-down the best evvvaahh), and field trips: she plans, prepares, and pours her heart and soul into the details so those she loves never has to question her love.  I admire her work-ethic so much.  It doesn’t matter if it seems insignificant or small in someone else’s mind; she will always work until it is complete and done excellently.

She is safe. Her heart is trustworthy, nurturing, and full of wisdom.  Caring for others comes as naturally as breathing. Her love can be seen in the million ways she demonstrates it each and every day and it astounds me because I don’t deserve it; she simply loves me because I am hers.

She has sacrificed so much to be with us.  To teach, homeschool, and simply be together.  But she never speaks of what she left to become a stay-at-home mom or talk about it as if it was a burden—she always speaks of what she gained through being with us and pouring into our lives.

She didn’t seek her value in what the world deems ‘worthy’ or praiseworthy.  As I grow up I’m saddened because I see that when I was younger I didn’t understand a lot.  I couldn’t see what she had chosen to give up.  I took a lot for granted.  I’ll never fully comprehend all she has sacrificed for me but the lessons she has taught me through her life will always be etched in my heart and memory.  Her example of how she walks in what the Lord has called her to with joy & open-hands is something I’ll always remember and the legacy she has left behind. She is the greatest example of a mother and wife and I could never thank her enough for that.


I will forever be amazed that I get to call you mine.

Happy Mother’s Day.        ♥️