never overlooked.

But Jesus said, “Someone touched Me; I know that power has gone out from Me.” Then the woman, seeing that she could not go unnoticed, came trembling and fell at His feet. In the presence of all the people, she told why she had touched Him and how she had been instantly healed. Then He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.” - Luke 8:46-48

This woman’s story & her interaction with Jesus amazes me. She had lived for 12 years with an issue of blood that, in the Jewish culture, made her unclean. To be unclean (much like being a leper) meant you were isolated, outcast, overlooked, & ignored. She was looking for answers & longing for hope. For 12 years she searched for a solution and used all her resources on Doctors: all to no avail. Then, when she hears about Jesus―she must’ve thought: “Who is this man? He’s healed the blind, cleansed the leper, cured the sick & restored the lame…Maybe He’s my answer. Maybe He can heal me too.” Maybe she was used to being an exception: accustomed to others getting help, but not her. She’d grown used to holding onto hope, only to be let down. She had faith that Jesus could heal her; but also didn’t want to be noticed: “Maybe it would be enough if I could just touch the hem of His garment.” She wanted to slip-in, slip-out, & move on without causing a disruption. But what she didn’t know is that:

In Jesus’ presence you cannot go unnoticed.

After she touches the hem of Jesus’ garment He stops, turns towards her & she falls trembling at His feet. Then she does something amazing…in front of a crowd of onlookers she shares why she touched Jesus. Shame no longer silenced her. What she had never shared publicly before, she now testifies―voice shaking―she tells of the years of brokenness & isolation and how Jesus healed her in an instant. And Jesus’ response, so kind and reassuring, is: “Daughter.” With a single word He identifies as her Father and speaks belonging, acceptance, safety, & security over her. Then he tells her to “go in peace,” because fear, worry, hopelessness, and anxiety no longer had a place in her life. She would never be the same after this encounter with her Savior, Healer, Comforter, and Father.

I can relate to this woman. It’s easy to feel unnoticed or want to be unnoticed…to want to cover-up & stay superficial. We try to hide many things: it’s easy to allow guilt, pride, or condemnation to keep us from the feet of Jesus. Maybe we believe lies about His character: thinking that He won’t accept us, forgive us, love us, or be able to restore us.

But, just like this woman, I’ve learned that whenever you go to Jesus in humble faith there is no condemnation in His eyes: only compassion, mercy, forgiveness & healing.

He does not condemn you
& He certainly does not overlook you.

Nothing in your past, present, or future can keep you from the love & forgiveness He died to secure for you. In His eyes you will never go unnoticed. While you may try to hide, keep your distance, or slip-in & slip-out HE SEES you to the fullest & proclaims:

“Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have called you by your name;
You are mine.” – Isaiah 43:1

Go to the feet of Jesus.

Reach out in faith.

And let Him bring restoration like only He can.

“To be loved but not known is comforting but superficial. 
To be known & not loved is our greatest fear. 
But to be fully known & truly loved is, well, a lot like being loved by God. 
It is what we need more than anything. 
It liberates us from pretense, humbles us out of our self-righteousness, and fortifies us for any difficulty life can throw at us.” 
― Timothy Keller