
/ˈstedˌfast/  adj.
a. to be firm, stable, established.
b. firmly fixed in place.
c. not subject to change, determined.
I entered into 2019 with the word “steadfast” echoing in my heart and when I read this verse in Psalms it was confirmation. It’s my prayer that the Lord change my heart & make this verse a reality in my life this year.

It can be easy to lose sight of the purpose in the day-in-day-out routine of life. God desires for us to walk into each and every day remembering that there is eternal weight and significance in the good works He has predestined for us (Eph 2:10). Whether it be at home, in your workplace, your church, or your school there is nothing insignificant or without purpose. Today’s culture is constantly telling us to chase entertainment, distraction, and comfort — so the temptation is to become complacent, discouraged, undisciplined, or lazy in our daily routines and habits. In Galatians 6:9, Paul exhorts the believers:

“Let us not grow weary while doing good,
for in due season we shall reap
if we do not lose heart.”

What we sow today we will reap in the future, which always leads me to ask myself the question: are the habits, thoughts, choices and routines I’m creating today pushing me towards Christ or away from Him? There are always consequences for our actions & we must be aware of them — not unobservant bystanders!

God’s Word talks so much of the fact that we are soldiers in a spiritual battle: called to be courageous, vigilant, and alert. Just as a soldier prepares, trains, and anticipates warfare; we are called to do the same!

Instead of becoming frantic, confused or paralyzed like the world when things are uncertain or trials and doubts come God desires His children to be confident, steadfast, and abiding in the love & victory that belong to us thru His victory. And while I desire those qualities to characterize my life I know that I frequently fail. The Lord has been challenging me to lean into those hard questions & identifying those areas in my life where I am complacent, allowed compromise, or have settled for less…

I’ve read my Bible; but have I sought Him diligently & wholeheartedly?
I’ve prayed; but have I waited patiently in His presence for His peace? 
I’ve worshiped; but have I surrendered? 

I know who He has promised to be and believe that He is —but do I believe that He will be that to me?

Thru His Holy Spirit, He has given us all we need to walk in faith and boldness. Like the verse at the beginning of this post says: we do not have to fear bad news! Our hearts can be steadfast, trusting, secure, and fearless because:

everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.”
– 1 John 5:4