story behind the name

In September of 2017 I started this blog during a very unexpected, hurtful, and confusing season in my life.

Thru that season, one thing remained: Jesus was faithful. When my faith failed He was with me through it all and His presence was my Light in that dark time. 

The experience wasn’t lovely, but He was.
And He still is.

Since 2017 sometimes it feels like the only “constant” in my life has been change and I think that will be true for the rest of my days on earth. Change, tragedy, loss, heart break, sorrow, grief, trials, & goodbyes are a reality on this side of eternity and often they come without warning. They’re unexpected…. it’s easy to doubt when what we always prayed wouldn’t happen—happens. And we’re left wondering: “How long will this last?” & “Where do I go from here?”

If I could go back to 2017 and tell my then 22-year-old self anything, I’d tell her that Jesus is going to carry her through. I’d tell her that life will not be free of unexpected sorrow or difficulties; BUT Jesus is faithful and will remain faithful. One day you’ll be looking back at how you grew through it all and you’re gonna be really thankful for the beauty He’ll bring from the ashes.

If I could tell you one thing, it would be that Jesus will always meet us on the waves when the storms are raging all around: He is the solid foundation & anchor of our souls. We can face the unexpected with courage because He has won the victory and has promised to go before us & prepare the way, even when we can’t see the road ahead! In Him we can face each day with unwavering trust: not because we know the future; but because we know the One who holds our future.

When it’s hard to find many “lovely” things in the world—look to Jesus & you’ll never be disappointed.

Jesus is lovely in the midst of everything that is unexpected.