Why Pain?

“Come, let us return to the Lord.
For He has torn us, but He will heal us;
He has wounded us, but He will bandage us…
So let us know, let us press on to know the Lord.” – Hosea 6

God has purpose for the pain we experience…but do we believe that?

Pain breaks, tears, and wounds. You cannot brace yourself for the blow or the way it will leave you feeling: vulnerable, betrayed, lonely, confused, broken, hopeless. And that’s why It is our instinct to avoid pain.  We would rather hear about and experience comfort and prosperity. But, as Christians, we follow Jesus; the Man of sorrows aquatinted with grief (Isaiah 53:3).  If our Savior chose to be identified in such a way, how do we expect to live a pain free life?

When we pray “Jesus, make me more like You” do we mean it?

The truth is: the closer I am aquatinted with pain and grief and sorrow, the more like Jesus I become and the more I can empathize with the hurting like Jesus did.  The Bible calls it ‘the fellowship of His sufferings’ in Phil. 3:10. Do not allow the very thing that God desires to use to draw you closer to Him harden your heart towards Him.  Like the verse says: LET Him heal you. LET Him bandage you. What is pain’s purpose? For you to learn to press on to KNOW Him. HE is the purpose.

Is it enough for me if the purpose of the pain is for me to KNOW Him more?  Simply so I can experience His healing?

I don’t need to live afraid of pain like the rest of the world because my God is a Comforter and Healer, Redeemer and Restorer.  I don’t need to be hopeless or despairing when I’m blindsided by betrayal. Pain has an incomparable way of allowing us to know our own desperation which leads us to PRESS ON to KNOW Jesus. If you’re not allowing the pain in your life to accomplish that in you… then bring it to Jesus’ feet. LET HIM heal, bind, and accomplish His purpose.  Because of Jesus we can ENDURE the hurt; just like HE DID-for the JOY that was set before Him.  We can have joy because He is here. (Heb. 12:2)

I’m learning this, day by day.  Joy in the midst of pain.  Hope in the midst of sorrow.  Knowing Him while all else that I’ve known is falling apart.  It’s not easy, but I wouldn’t trade it for comfort because I’m getting to know the Comforter (2 Cor 1.3-5), the One who empathizes with my weakness (Heb 4:15).

Allow what seems hopeless to lead you to hope in Him.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15.13