words I love

**the quotes below are ones I’ve heard, collected, and written in journals & phone notes over the years…for the majority, I do not know where I originally read or heard them to be able to give credit but they are not mine**

“The Holy Spirit does not seek to hurt us,
but He does seek to make us Christlike,
and this can be painful in the process.
But it is also the greatest pursuit of the human soul.”

Focus on growth, not perfection:
Perfectionism is all or nothing.
Growth is little by little.
Perfectionism is all about the goal.
Growth is all about the journey.
Perfectionism is about outward appearances.
Growth is what happens on the inside.
Perfectionism is about what we do.
Growth is about who we’re becoming.

There is beauty and purpose in the “not yet” moments you encounter with God.
Don’t ignore the chance to grow and develop.
Soak in the “not yet,” gain all the wisdom you can, and then say, “yes” when the time is right.”

“If you are so focused on what God isn’t doing,
you will miss what He IS doing.”

If you want to change the world, go home and love your family” – Mother Teresa

“When life brings a new season, I find I have very little to say. I prefer to stay quiet before the Lord, bring it to Him in prayer, & treasure it in my heart (like Mary did in Luke 2:19) – without the pressure of presenting it to the world; perhaps incorrect, incomplete.”

“None of us is immune to the pain that living on a broken planet delivers.
Forgiveness is our garment of courage.”

“God made us deep, so don’t be afraid of facing what is deep in your heart, because God’s love, forgiveness, and grace go deeper still. And let the Truth of His Word meet you there, His Word can only cleanse as long as we’re willing to be honest with where we are and accept it as Truth and allow it to correct our path. Do not let your decisions and thoughts be founded on emotions or lies that distort the Truth. Found them on Jesus. Build your life on Him.”

God will never fail to fulfill His word,
but we must be willing to wait.

The proof of faith is that you are willing to wait
for Him to fulfill His word in His time.”

“God desires to bring you into union with Himself but unless you are willing to give up your right to yourself He cannot. (Matt 6:24) Once a person is willing to deny their independent right to themselves then real life has the chance to grow.” – Oswald Chambers

“Our time with God is NOT where we prove
what great followers we are,
it’s where the healing happens.”

“When you go from saying,”GOD! Help me! Make it easy on me. Give me this, give me that.” To: “God. I pray that You fill me with Your Spirit that I might walk through the fire and glorify You in it. Give me the opportunity and the strength to do Your will.You are a new creation darling. ♥ You’re not a victim. You’re a conqueror.

“We are quick to believe He can…
…but slow to believe He will.”

“The fight against your fear is worth it. Don’t give in. Don’t let that small voice inside of you try to define you. You were made for good things but you’ve got to be brave enough to go out and grab them. Push on, little soldier. The fight leads to courage and the courage builds character. Here’s to never settling for fear’s storyline.” – Hannah Brencher

“What if you woke up today
with only what you were grateful for yesterday?”

“In the midst of pain I would not have chosen, He was real and undeniable and true. When life was not what I expected, where hope was not what I thought, He carved a space in my heart for Him. And I feel as though He has given me this promise: These days are sacred. God is good to us here and now, working all for good, and He is daily peeling back the scales, opening my eyes to see. It’s not what I once imagined; it’s better.”

Beware of a Christianity that is all about fulfilling your own plan for your life
if we fail to remind ourselves of God’s original plan to reconcile us to His Father
we will begin to try & fit Him into our own plan and selfish purpose.”

“We either lean in and risk it all or stay ruled by the fear of losing.” – H.B.

“If it is the pillar of God we are following, the Red Sea will not dismay us, for it will furnish but another scene for the display of the power of Him who can make the waters to stand up as a heap, and to become a wall about us as we go through the sea on dry ground.  — When waiting and wishing only to know and do God’s will, hinderances will give no anxiety, but a sort of pleasure, as affording a new opportunity for divine interposition.  — God had precious lessons for him which He could best teach in the school of affliction.” – George Mueller

It’s OK not to know.
The “not knowing” times teach us greater trust and strengthens our faith.

“the biggest victory is getting over yourself…
imagine a world free of pride and pray that,
if not possible this side of heaven,
your life could be defined in that way.”

“Determinedly take no one as serious as you do God; and when you do, the first person you find you have to leave as being the greatest fraud you have ever known is yourself.”

“Beware of attempting to pose as a profound person…
God became a baby.”

It is easier to be a fanatic than a faithful soul.
There is something amazingly humbling, particularly to our religious conceit, in being loyal to God”
– Oswald Chambers

Some of the lies we’ve loved like “everything is going to work out” is a poor replacement for truth like: “It is well with my soul because God is here, and that is enough.”