
This past weekend I turned 28 and sat down to write out 27 things I learned *and am still learning* from last year (in no particular order). if one resonates with you lemme know in the comments! 🫶🏼

1. Just because your timeline looks different doesn’t mean that it’s wrong.

don’t compare your life to anyone else’s. God has a specific plan & purpose for you. if you try to imitate what He’s doing in someone else’s life you’ll miss what He has for YOU.

2. You will be misunderstood.

people will disagree and misunderstand you. that’s okay. share what you need to but don’t try to change their mind or heart. only God can do that.

3. You don’t need to give everyone an explanation.

it’s easy to sense the need to defend yourself when you feel attacked, but you don’t need to explain your reasons for everything. a friend shared this with me recently and it was so freeing!

4. Cherish the friendships God has given you.

I think I experienced the gift of friendship more at 27 than any other year of my life. at the beginning of this year many of my friends saw me at my lowest and were there for me. They encouraged me, brought me my favorite coffee (iykyk), FaceTimed me as I cried, traveled to new cities with me, and laughed with me. Godly friendships are truly priceless.

5. god will never leave you.

even when He feels far away, He is closer than you could ever know. it’s a promise! hebrews 13:5 says “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”

6. Go new places! book the flight! invite a friend!

p.s. you don’t need to get on a plane to go somewhere new! find a restaurant, cafe, park, or local town you’ve never been to! see, taste, and enjoy *new* places!

7. be child-like & enjoy simple things.

growing up you may feel the pressure to act a “certain way” but don’t lose the child-like wonder that comes with savoring the small, simple, everyday things.

8. Don’t settle.

don’t lower your standards because your prayers aren’t being answered when you wanted. God’s timing is perfect and He has good things for you.

9. Celebrate well.

it’s such a joy to be able to celebrate milestones and walk thru exciting seasons of change with your friends! Graduations, engagements, weddings, pregnancies, babies, new houses, new jobs, etc. be there to rejoice with those you love!

10. cherish time with your loved ones.

tomorrow is not promised. don’t take your loved ones for grated <3

11. keep your expectations in check.

learn to recognize unrealistic expectations you may have and give people the space to be human. we will let each other down and disappoint one another (but this is not an excuse for someone to intentionally hurt you repeatedly)

12. Take care of your body & PRIORITIZE REST.

your goal should not be to look a certain way but to prioritize healthy habits and balance! your older self will thank you! hydrate, go outside, soak in the sunshine, go for a walk, eat nourishing foods, go to bed on time, laugh, spend time with those you love, journal, etc.

13. getting over someone will get easier with time.

and then one day you’ll be over them... I hated when people told me this cause in the moment it feels like it will hurt forever. i know. but it does gets easier. it also makes you stronger and will give you greater empathy towards others with similar heartbreak.

14. Don’t stop doing what makes you smile.

live music, road trips, donuts, sunsets, a cup of tea, card games, bonfires, hikes, meals with friends, local markets, your favorite coffee shop… find what makes you smile and make time for those things!! ♡

15. Don’t be afraid of trying something new

some of the things I now love are the very things I used to be scared of (houseplants, and doing things solo like a nice dinner, concerts, and traveling come to mind). you may feel scared at first and make mistakes, but don’t let that stop you! on my list of things to try next: long boarding, pottery, and taking a latte art class!

16. Memories & experiences are more valuable than possessions.

experience > things. every time.

17. give space for the emotions you’re feeling.

as I’ve gotten older the emotions I feel seem to have become more complex & simultaneous… grief, joy, frustration, anticipation, anger. certain emotions aren’t bad and God wants to meet you in each one.

18. listen well & have a teachable spirit.

listening is a skill that needs to be learned & practiced. when others have correction to share with you, listen and be teachable. there’s always room to be a better listener, learner, and communicator.

19. put down your phone & pick up a book.

I need to do that more this year. social media can be inspiring but also very draining without proper boundaries.

20. Go to the concert! (Even if you don’t know all the artist’s songs *or the artist* haha)

I went to 12 concerts in 2022! many of them I had been waiting to see since the shows were rescheduled in 2020 and some of them I barely knew of! so thankful for the memories of singing and dancing alongside friends. I don’t think I’ll ever take live music for granted again.

21. You don’t need to have it all together *or act like you do*

acting is for the movies. not real life.

22. Be honest. It’s okay to say “I’m not okay” & “This is really hard”

it’s easy to automatically say “I’m good!” when someone asks how you are, but be honest with yourself and with those who care about how you’re really doing.

23. sometimes Hope isn’t effortless.

when it’s hard to hope, don’ stop fighting for it. when a circumstance is getting worse while you’ve been praying for it to get better there’s a temptation to give up, but our God is a God of HOPE: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.Romans 15:13

24. learn to Wait well, while also realizing that you’re not waiting for your life to begin.

your life is a culmination of todays. it’s easy to get caught up waiting for something you desire, but don’t miss out on the opportunities right in front of you!


easy to say, harder to actually do. live to please God and let people think what they will. “For am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God? Or am I striving to please men? For if I were still pleasing men, I wouldn’t be a servant of Christ.” Galatians 1:10

26. PLANS HAVE THEIR PLACE BUT soak up the spontaneity of life & be care-free when plans go awry! 

planning is helpful, but be flexible: enjoy the process & embrace last-minute opportunities!

and lastly….

I’m thankful for each of the years I’ve lived: they’ve made me who I am today and I’m forever thankful for the gift of celebrating another year!

So… there they are! 27 things I have learned *and am still learning.* I’m expectant for all this year has in store & for the growth that will come with it <3

2 thoughts on “28.”

  1. This is an awesome list!! I love that some of these are on going learning! #26 is definitely that for me! I’m a planner by nature and my life kind of demands I be too. I’m learning to be more flexible in what I can’t control and leaning on the Lord during those times!! #3 is also soo good! Learning that has been so good for my own mental health. Happy Birthday, Breanna!

    1. cristina! thank you for sharing!! I definitely understand how so much in life depends on planning, I used to think I had to have things planned out for my life but I realized God had different plans that are faarrrr better than any I could create! So true that it teaches us to lean on Him and trust Him more! <3

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