A Break from the Pull

At the beginning of the New Year do you ever feel pulled a million ways? Like there are multiple directions you feel pressured to go yet not sure what "goals" you want to pursue?  And yet you feel discouraged because your past "resolutions" have failed to result in real change?

Can I encourage you to break away from the pull & be still so you can pursue God’s heart today? That is a daily pursuit: not one that only happens January 1st.  I struggle with “year resolutions”…I’d rather simply have a resolution for today: a resolution to pursue Jesus today and to be faithful in the small things He has placed in front of me. One day at a time. And as I seek to pursue Jesus and silence the distractions around me what always leaves me in awe is that He never stops pursuing me. 

At the end of one year and the beginning of the next I always find myself reflecting on what happened the last 365 days & looking expectantly towards the next.  Going into 2018 I was looking at how I have been spending my time and the places in my life and heart that I’ve neglected. I found myself asking: is there something enslaving my heart or mind? Is there something that I feel I cannot live without? Something keeping me from what is most important?

And I knew: I had been wasting the most time scrolling thru my phone.

Going into the New Year the best way for me to refocus was to delete my social media apps for 2 weeks.  As a result I learned that when you walk away from something, you realize the hold it had.  When it is no longer there for you to turn to, you feel how strong a pull it had in your life.  But then I also realized the freedom it allowed me to have in other areas in my life…liberty to pursue what I value most, places that had fallen to the wayside.

I learned that it’s not about resolutions but about realizing those things that are enslaving me and keeping me from freedom.

This verses has been resonating with me:

Galatians 5:1 –  “It is for freedom that we are set free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”  

Is there a place in your life where you long to experience freedom but feel is not possible?  Christ died to bring freedom to our souls, to break the chains that bind us and free us from our own flesh. Before, I was a slave to follow every dictate of my heart;  now, when I begin to find myself enslaved by anything, I remind myself: Jesus died for this.  Through Jesus I have victory over this.  Jesus died for my freedom and I don’t want to settle for anything less.

What is pulling for your attention?  If you feel too weak to break away ask the Holy Spirit for strength and depend on Him.  Going into 2018 I want to stand in the liberty Christ died to secure for me. I want to be free of resolutions. I want to be free of the guilt and shame I put on myself when I fail.  I want to be free of comparison. I want to be more aware of how I spend my time and put boundaries around those things that I tend to aimlessly turn to for distraction.  Most importantly I want to be free to live intentionally & pursue Christ’s call.


* I read this devotional December 27th & it was a real encouragement to me, I hope it encourages you: “What is your Aim?

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