
The kindness of Jesus is overwhelming. He never allowed the disdain and cynicism of others affect His heart towards them; and He did not try to retaliate or fight against those who betrayed, hated and wanted to kill Him.

1 Corinthians 11:23 says:

on the night when He was betrayed took bread,
and when He had given thanks, He broke it, and said,
‘This is My body which is for you. Do this in remembrance of Me.’”

Amidst betrayal, contention, deep hurt and agony over the pain that was before Him —Jesus demonstrated love. On the nigh He was betrayed He served by washing His disciples’ feet and giving them communion, a symbol of how He would sacrifice His life on the cross for them. He gave thanks and He said “this is My body which is for you.”  He was not thinking of Himself, He was serving others.

Throughout His ministry Jesus’ disciples were confused when He would say: ‘My hour has not yet come’ or ‘the Son of Man will be betrayed but on the third day will rise again.’  But Jesus knew His disciples would look back at this night, remember Jesus’ example, His death and His resurrection and it would finally make sense.  The disciples would finally understand that the purpose of Jesus’ life and ministry was to bring salvation, peace, and reconciliation to lost and hurting people who were in need of a Savior.

And all Jesus asks is that they remember Him.

Simply remember.  And He asks me to do the same.  It is easy for me to forget and become busy in my daily routine, waste time scrolling through social media, so consumed with the noise that I become restless and can no longer rest in the stillness…  and when I find myself discouraged, backsliding, or doubtful it means that I have forgotten Him: who He is and all that He means to me.  I need to remember: His kindness, faithfulness and compassion; all the ways He’s provided and cared for Me.  I must be watchful and careful to not be distracted but instead to fix my eyes on Him

On a night that was confusing and chaotic to His disciples and onlookers, when it seemed as though evil had won and injustice had the final word, God’s purpose was being fulfilled and Jesus had His eyes on His Father, submitting to His will.  When you cannot make sense of all that is going on around you—look to Jesus, remember Him, and rest knowing that He is in control and His purpose is being accomplished even when all else seems contrary.

Oh what a Savior! Isn’t He wonderful!?
– “Come to the Altar”  by Elevation Worship

Help me to love with open arms like You do
A love that erases all the lines and sees the truth
Oh that when they look in my eyes they would see You…
You’re wonderful and such a good Father
– “For the One”  by Bethel


“We love because He first loved us.”

– 1 John 4:19

There’s something captivating about watching a child react to and experience life.  The way they freely dance, sing, laugh, and cry without a worry of who is watching or what others are thinking.  There’s purity and innocence in the way they love and interact with others.  Do you remember feeling that way?  Do you remember when that changed?

I remember: suddenly worrying about what others were thinking, realizing what they were wearing, how they were acting, and the attention they were getting. I realized life isn’t as simple as I once imagined, not all people are kind and their words do not all come with good intentions.  I felt insecure for the first time; like I was not enough and had to change to be accepted and worth knowing.  Looking back I realize how vulnerable I was because I didn’t personally know the security of Jesus’ love.

I remember feeling lonely and left out, young and unsure of who I was; thinking: “If only I was smarter, prettier, funnier, cooler, more likable…” If you are thinking like that today God is pursuing you and wants you to know that you are precious in His eyes and He bottles every tear you cry (Psalm 56:8). He is not like those who have hurt you, abandoned you, or made you feel unaccepted and unloved.  This is not the superficial love we hear about in songs or see portrayed in movies.

You are valued and loved with an unchanging, faithful, grounding love; so powerful that His voice spoke the world into existence and with the same breath created you.

I wish you would walk so closely with this Love that it effects every word you say, the places you go, the way you treat others and view yourself.  You do not have to worry about being loved and accepted, because you already are.  Concern yourself and occupy your mind with the thoughts Jesus has towards you. Place your confidence in Him, not in others’ ever-changing opinions.  Don’t let others define who you’re supposed to be or how you’re supposed to look and act.

Today I pray that you settle in your soul to believe who God says you are; don’t change and try to fit in. The world says we need to love ourselves while our real need is to know that we are loved.  Like a child that so confidently trusts in their parents’ love; we can rest confident and secure in Jesus’ love for us.

“You are not an afterthought.
Love Himself dreamed you up.”
-“Diamonds” by Taylor Leonhardt

Draw Near

What are you facing in life that you never would’ve expected?  In those times of shock, heartbreak, and confusion this verse comforts me:

“Do do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”
  -Isaiah 40:10

In that verse, notice God doesn’t say He’ll take away what is making you afraid and dismayed; instead He reminds you that He is with you – so you don’t need to be fearful.  He is your God. He will strengthen and uphold you. Even if the struggle you’re in doesn’t improve and the circumstance is still hard.

When people and situations leave you disappointed, you can trust that He will accomplish His purpose. When you’re thirsty, hopeless, and hungry He says “I am your Living Water, I am your Hope, I am your Bread of Life.” HE is everything you need. And maybe you didn’t realize that before.

One day you’ll look at your scars and see the purpose: how He redeemed and restored you.  Then, when the unexpected hits you again, you’ll look back and remember how He worked it out and made your faith grow stronger in the process. He made it lovely then and He promises to do it again. His purpose is for you to draw near so He can show you that He is all you need and all you’ve needed all along.

If you’re telling yourself “I never expected to be here” Jesus is with you there. Wherever you are, “draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” James 4:8

What has proven to be unexpected for you was foreseen and designed by Him.

Do you trust Him?


“I will, trust, here in the mystery, I will trust in You completely…
You taught my feet to dance upon disappointment
And I, I will worship”

Heroes by Amanda Cook