every hour I need Thee ♥

“If we fail to refocus, confess, and seek God
we will begin to try and fit Him into our own plan and selfish purpose.
Beware of a Christianity that is all about fulfilling your own plan for your life.
My life is not about me — it’s about glorifying Him.”

That quote is from the sermon I heard this past weekend and it really resonated with me because Jesus has been impressing that same message on my heart over and over. This past year I’ve been faced with my own tendency to choose self-protection & comfort over faith & trust. Which boils down to pride.

Pride  :  an empty assurance which trusts in its own power & resources

Pride wants me to focus only on myself.  It is the voice of pride that tells me “But, what about you?”  When I am faced with something I know the Lord desires me to surrender, pride whispers: “You’ve realized it, isn’t that is enough?  You don’t really need to change or surrender.  Just being aware of it is enough.” Pride will always talk me out of self sacrifice and humility.

“Pride will lie and only tell you the story of fear, pain and loss — it will tell you to only think of yourself and avoid the suffering…but pride fails to tell you about the comfort, joy and peace God is longing to meet you with when you leave yourself and walk to Him in the middle of the storm.”   –  Maria Furlough

Pride is the root cause of my fear, doubt, and disobedience. Pride causes me to worry: about myself and my future security. 

“It was through pride that the devil became the devil:
pride leads to every other vice—
it is the complete anti-God state of mind.” 
C.S. Lewis

Pride tries to stay under the radar . . . unsuspecting, unseen & unrealized.  Why? Simply so it can continue to grow; permeating every decision and action in my life.

Pride keeps you thinking you’re in control . . . if you feel like you cannot determine the outcome of a situation you immediately want to run the opposite direction & stay in your comfort zone.

Pride is the biggest enemy to vulnerability . . . When your heart longs to be open & honest, pride says: “What difference will it make? You’ll simply become more invested and they’ll be able to hurt you more. You don’t need that. Stay shallow. Stay guarded. Protect yourself.”

Pride distorts everything and anything the Lord is calling you to . . . I frequently say that I want all God has for me but I am guilty of wanting it on my own terms. I want a story without pain, suffering, loss or disappointment. Why? Because I would choose a road that is paved, clear-cut & safe — but that road requires no faith, no trust, no humility, and no reliance on God.

Pride will always keep me from God . . . God hates, abhors, and detests pride (Prov. 16:5).

“As long as you are proud you cannot know God.
A proud person is always looking down on things and people:
and, of course, as long as you are looking down
you cannot see something that is above you.”
― C.S. Lewis

So what is the cure?  Nearness to Jesus. It is impossible to leave His presence proud. Humility the result of resting, being, and simply abiding in His presence.

I used to resist humility and vulnerability because I believed the lie (and still fight it at times) that they are signs of weakness. If I exposed or shared my weaknesses they would be used against me so I fought to maintain a sense of capability & control. But you know what I’ve learned? I’ve learned that Jesus will never, ever use my weakness against me. He will never take advantage of me or betray my trust. When we step away from the pride, put down the mask, and confess our desperate need Jesus’ immediate reaction is to come close because: 

He is near to those who have a broken and humbled heart. (Psalm 34:18)

Under the surface we’re all hungry for humility. We’re sick of the pride that causes our hearts to harden and makes us keep people at arms length. You are not alone. There is no condemnation in Christ, He reveals sin so He can be near and so we can find forgiveness and restoration in Him    ♥     You are free to stand with arms high and hands empty singing: “Lord, I need You. Every hour I need You.”

“Blessed are the poor in spirit:
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
Matthew 5:3

He gives more grace. Therefore He says:
‘God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.’
Therefore submit to God.
Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
James 4:6-7