give thanks?

We all know gratitude is something that should be woven into the fabric of our days, not merely something we do once a year on a holiday, but because it’s been on the forefront of my mind here are some post-thanksgiving thoughts…

 A verse that always comes to mind concerning gratitude is 1 Thessalonians 5:18, which says: “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”

While I love that verse, I admit it’s not something I naturally live out… giving thanks, for every thing?? like, every thing…. What does that look like? How is that even possible?

I want to be thankful for the hard things, for the painful things, the losses, the tears, the stories that have yet to be finished, the relationships that have yet to be mended… but I can’t say I’m there yet. Am I supposed to be thankful for those things? As I’ve read that verse over and over, I’ve realized that I don’t think that’s exactly what it’s saying… hear me out.

Here’s something that stands out to me: it says IN every thing, give thanks. It doesn’t say FOR every thing give thanks… there are evil, dark, unjust, horrible things happening every moment. Tragedies, catastrophes, disease, war etc… I don’t think this verse is telling us to be thankful for everything. But I think it is saying that IN every thing, in every situation, we can find a reason to be thankful.

Why?? Because “we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28) You see: God is not saying that everything that is happening is good, but He is saying that He will work all things FOR THE GOOD in our lives. That’s an important distinction that also displays the mercy of our Lord: how in the midst of such evil and pain we can have confidence, knowing that He is working FOR OUR GOOD. He has not forgotten or forsaken you, He is working, even when you can’t see it.

For some time I equated being thankful with being happy. I thought, in order to give thanks, I had to be happy for the things that were happening. If I didn’t feel joy or happiness then I thought I wasn’t truly thankful. But, now I’m seeing that you can still be thankful for the good God worked in a situation, while mourning and grieving the fact that it happened in the first place.

With that being said, I’ve found myself being thankful for different things this year… I’ve whispered “thank You Jesus” for things I never would’ve imagined I’d be thankful for five years ago. I’m thankful for things that didn’t happen…for timing that wasn’t right… for the waiting… for doors that were closed… for endings that broke my heart…

I want to clarify and say that I know I run the risk of sounding overly positive, attempting to romanticize things or see the world through rose colored glasses…but please know, that is not what I’m trying to do. I think one of the beautiful things about time, and how God uses it in our lives, is how it brings perspective. And that’s where I’m coming from: I’m realizing that the passing of days doesn’t lessen the impact of loss, but it does allow us to look back and see what has come out of such despair. To see things that would’ve never been possible without the valley. I don’t want to minimize the hurt or make it sound like you need to rush to see the beauty when you’re surrounded by ashes. Not at all. But I am saying that one day you will look down and see signs of life sprouting up from the same ground you swore would always be barren. If there’s anything I’ve seen my God do in the lives of those who love Him it’s the way He brings beauty out of something that was anything but beautiful. He brings hope to the hopeless. My faith is not in circumstances or an outcome, it is in the One Who I know will be with me through it all. It is the confidence and trust David spoke of in verse 4 of Psalm 23: “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.”

There are still situations in my life that are full of uncertainty…things that I am not thankful for, but I want to be thankful IN these things because I know God does not waste our pain. Today I can say that I’m thankful God didn’t let me get my way. I’m thankful He didn’t let me follow my idea of what was good. I’m thankful for how He’s worked in my life and in my heart when all I saw was a dead end, a crushed dream, a broken heart, a “no” or a “not yet.” In spite of my unbelief and my doubt, He never left me.

For so long there were things I desired sooo bad, expectations I was holding onto so tightly with no intention of letting go. For a time I was so focused on things that weren’t happening in my life that I allowed them to gnaw away at my contentment and peace.

But, today? I’m able to look back and praise my Lord in the midst of the things that haven’t happened. I’m not perfect at it, and still struggle, but it’s a little easier. Now I can see: if things had happened the way I had wanted or expected, life would look sooo different today.

He’s slowly taught me to loosen the death grip on my expectations and surrender the timeline to Him. When He says “wait” it’s not because He’s withholding something good from me, it’s because He has something far greater and better than what I currently want for myself. I’m seeing His better plan unfold and I don’t take it for granted.

Without the closed doors I wouldn’t have been able to walk through the ones He opened for me. Without the endings I wouldn’t have experienced the new beginnings He’s writing.

Don’t get me wrong, there are things I’m still struggling to be thankful in. Things I know aren’t finished, stories God’s still writing. He’s not done yet, but I’m learning to be thankful in the hard things that I don’t understand and I want to praise Him in faith, before I see the ending.

Following Jesus has been the most freeing, joy-filled journey. I’m so grateful God’s plans were different than mine. Different than other’s plans for me. Day-to-day you don’t notice much change, and that can be frustrating, but one day you’ll look back and see how far He’s brought you, all He’s done, and the work He’s done IN you. He truly keeps surprising me and His plans are never boring. Knowing He’s always working behind the scenes is so exciting. He’s never sitting, baffled about what should happen next. He loves you, and His plans are not to harm you or destroy you.

Can I encourage you? If there are things in your life you’re looking at and could never imagine being thankful in: be honest. Be honest with God and ask Him to help you praise Him for what He’s doing that you cannot see. That’s something I want to be better at: I want to praise Him before I see the outcome or the victory. You probably won’t see it today, possibly not tomorrow…but in a year? in three years? In eight years? Who knows…one day you’ll look back and have a better perspective of what He was doing all along. Be sincere about what you’re struggling with. Be vulnerable and don’t try to hide your emotions from Him. He’s big enough to handle all your anger, doubt, frustration, disappointment…

If there’s anything He’s done in my heart: He’s infused it with so much hope. He’s brought people into my life whose stories are amazing who I never would’ve met if I’d had my way. Jesus has brought me people to increase my hope in Him: hope I could never fake or manufacture myself. He’s given me hope when I didn’t have hope for myself.

So, my challenge for myself and for you is to thank Him for the hard thing you’re in. The thing that hurt you, that you wouldn’t have picked to be written in your story. Because those are the VERY things He uses to display His glory and you would never have the chance to see such beauty without the ashes.

It’s only by His hand and His grace that we are here today. I want to spend every day thanking Him, in what I don’t understand and in what I can’t explain.

“He has sent Me [Jesus] to heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives,
And the opening of the prison to those who are bound;
To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord,
And the day of vengeance of our God;
To comfort all who mourn,
To console those who mourn in Zion,
To give them beauty for ashes,
The oil of joy for mourning,
The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness;

That they may be called trees of righteousness,
The planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.”
Isaiah 61:1b-3

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