Why Are You Running? (pt 2)

(click here to read part 1)

What am I running from?
I know.
God knows.
And as His child He will not allow me to continue without encountering great difficulty & resistance. — That’s His lovingkindness & grace that never stops pursuing me. 

He will not allow me to hold onto something that is slowly destroying me from the inside out. 

I see myself in Jonah. The story of Jonah —much like mine— is a testimony to the patient, persistent, pursuit of the One who knows everything about me and desires me in spite of me. He knew I would resist, disobey, & run… nevertheless He does not stop in His pursuit. 

In Jonah’s story I am reminded of this time and time again. Even in Jonah’s rebellion God was going before him: preparing obstacles to remind him of His love:

1:4 — “But the Lord sent out a great wind…
1:17 — “Now the Lord had prepared a great fish…
4:6 — “And the Lord God prepared a plant…
4:7 — “as morning dawned the next day God prepared a worm…
4:8 — “God prepared a vehement east wind…

Perhaps Jonah thought it would be easy to run, hide, & go the opposite way; but Jonah didn’t know that God was going to run after Jonah just as hard as he was trying to run away. Jonah could not outrun God’s hand. Jonah learned that God’s salvation extended even to the bottom of the ocean.

Sometimes the appeal of rebellion is greater than obedience, but just like God extended mercy and grace to the Ninevites, He was also extending mercy & grace to Jonah.

In chapter 2, after Jonah is swallowed by a great fish, he prays: reflecting on his own despair & rejoicing in the deliverance God provided for him. Then, in verse 9, Jonah turns the focus away from himself and says “THOSE:” 

Those who regard worthless idols
Forsake their own Mercy.” Jonah 2:9

Who is Jonah referring to? As you read the chapter that verse seems somewhat out of place… perhaps he is thinking about the Ninevites: accusing the them of forsaking their chance at receiving mercy because of their idolatry…

This reminds me that when we choose to run from the Lord we must also realize that we are running TOWARDS something else…when you attempt to flee from God’s presence you are also running from all He is: love, joy, peace… When you run from God you are running TOWARDS confusion & emptiness.

What worthless idol do I continue to run to?
What am I holding that is keeping me from clinging tightly to God?
An idol is anything that we chose to worship & serve apart from God.

The NIV version of this verse reads: “Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs.” How often have I chosen to cling to fear or pride and forfeited God’s grace?

Your hands cannot cling to idols
& His hand simultaneously.

To cling to grace you must loose your grip on pride and your desire to call the shots.

I’m a lot like Jonah: I know how it feels to be in rebellion and disobedience, thinking I’m in control and can outrun God. But stories like Jonah’s remind me that it’s a lost cause to hide from God: He’s just too gracious. He’s too kind. He’s altogether holy & unlike me. And yet He patiently insists on making me more like Him. 

That is a grace I’ll never reach the end of.

May we spend our days letting go of worthless idols so that we may be those who embrace the grace God freely gives.

“You must not turn aside,
for then you would go after futile things
which can not profit or deliver,
because they are futile.” 2 Samuel 2:21

“Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things,
And revive me in Your way.” Psalm 119:37

You are not hidden
There’s never been a moment you were forgotten
You are not hopeless
Though you have been broken, your innocence stolen

There is no distance
That cannot be covered over & over
You’re not defenseless
I’ll be your Shelter, I’ll be your Armor

I will send out an army to find you
In the middle of the darkest night
It’s true, I will rescue you
I will never stop marching to reach you
In the middle of the hardest fight
It’s true, I will rescue you

-Lauren Daigle “Rescue”